
Native plants have a reputation for being low-maintenance, but just like any kind of garden, they require care if they are to look cared for.
Maintenance is quite different in the native plant garden than in other types of gardens--we very rarely amend the soil, and never use fertilizers or pesticides/herbicides. If the plants are well matched to the site conditions, they should not require watering once established (although in extreme drought conditions, their appearance may suffer without supplemental watering).

The standard of care we follow focuses on preserving and enhancing the garden as a part of the ecosystem, while also matching the aesthetic goals of our clients.
We are educated in the habitat needs of wildlife. We leave stems standing over the winter and (as much as possible) leaf litter in place to provide nesting places for insects.
In most of our gardens, we plan for a transition from wood mulch to green mulch, using wanted plants to exclude weeds.
We consider the reproduction and expansion of our initial plantings a benefit, rather than a problem, and the "editing" process is part of our stewardship.

Especially during the first couple years of establishment, your garden may need significant weeding. Determining which plants are weeds and which are intentional can be challenging in the naturalistic garden.
We provide regular or occasional garden maintenance, both for our new install clients and those with a previously installed landscape. Ask us about scheduling options to fit your needs.